Sale Audit-Goods in Transit
In our Learning of making Sale Audit Better and Effective We learnt-
What important points to be check while auditing ? when you are –
1.Taking New Sales Order – (Click and Read)
2.Creating New Customer – and Read)
3.Entering New HSN/SAC code and Recording Gate Outs –
We now reached to learn about Goods Reach Record
As we discussed about the material’s Gate out Record now we have to track – the material which is out from our site has reached to it’s destination or not.
The proof of delivery given by your transporter should be uploaded by you in your ERP or atleast its serial no. should be entered.
Some times customer demands for 10 invoices upon 10 item codes in one Transport only, so that if rejection happens in one item the other invoices with material should be passed or accepted by customer and the rejected invoice gets on hold. This system is now usually adopted by many customers for traceability and logics.
In this case if customer didn’t accept the rejected item. What proofs that you had sent the material at the time of taking payments ? If customer didn’t record its gate entry then what is the proof that the order is received by customer ?
Don’t Let it to be your Business risk, record your Goods reach record manually in registers or in your ERP’s and save yourself and your business from such can be controlable Loss.
For more such points which are important for your internal audit will gonna be discussed soon, just stay tuned.
For more information and clarity watch the video below by – Mr. Sangeet Kumar Gupta, F.C.A and Co-founder of Finsys .
Video Shot at Jaipur Marriot
What are the good things you must see during audit of the Sales Side. Debtors, Prices, Sale order and so many things.. Practical Ideas.