Youtube – Stock Audits – How, we the CA’s can help the industry

Youtube – Stock Audits – How, we the CA’s can help the industry

Youtube – Stock Audits – How, we the CA’s can help the industry

Stock Audits –

How, we the CA’s can help the industry, in efficiency, True stocks, and business

What the CA Articles must know regarding the Stock Audits, … why are they important… This was a Session in our office – meant for our outstation teams on site audits, and in industrial trainings, and other CA Students – for Practical Knowledge Stock Audits –
How, we the CA’s can help the industry, in efficiency, True stocks, and business
Link to this channel :
Mission to help all customers adhere to the most basic stores practice.. that the Stock value report must be correct and must be from the ERP.
This requires correct Quantity, and Correct Rates. Saves time at year end saves time at every month end makes reports reliable, makes planning reliable makes you safe in GST and income tax laws makes your bank stock audits as easy as a cool breeze of spring season. Come let us make things better. Clean your ERP. Your company should sort of win awards for best clean systematic Stores. Yes it will give you many direct and indirect benefits.
See another video by Mr Sangeet Gupta and Mr Virender Singh on Stock Audits :

CA Articles,CA in Faridabad,Training of CA articleship, Things to cover in CA Articleship,What to learn in Ca articleship,Stock Audit,Physical verification of Stocks,how to do stock audit,importance of stock audits,Industrial training in CA
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