New Private Limited company – Documents Required

Documents Required For New Company Registration in India

First Question : Why a Company ? Did you consider a Proprietorship ?

If you are not very very strong about a Private Limited, if the Business is yet to start, if you are alone, or it is just yourself and your mini family, then it is ok to start as a Propreitor

Very low cost.

Ready to start

Easy to Start, Easy to Close

You can convert into a Private Limited company. Anytime, No Problems

We at MLG Always suggest our customers to think on this before moving to next step

What are the documents required for company registration in India?


The following are the documents required for company registration in India:


Pre requisites ( 2 in number )

1. Digital Signature Certificate(DSC ) , you might be already having, if you already have any other company. If not, we can arrange for you

2. DIN ~ Directors Identification Number ( again,

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